Sunday, July 27, 2008

pulling bundle with TMBP

The Truck Mounted Bundle Extractor is a proven machine which is developed in order to extract and push back horizontal bundles which are located at a height between 500 and 7000 mm and with a maximum weight of 15 tons. Due to it’s unique and patented design, this machine is not only designed to pull and push back bundles, it can also be used to transport the bundles to the cleaning slab. Therefore it is highly appreciated in all the refineries and in the petrochemical sector.
The main advantage is that you don’t need a crane any more, which will reduce your costs and bring your downtime back to a minimum. Less organisation is needed.
The truck is allowed to drive on the public road, therefore making it a versatile and efficient tool. Even in a difficult to reach place with a crane, e.g. when there is a pipe frame above the heat exchanger, the truck mounted bundle puller can still do the job!
Once the extractor is in position and the butt plates are positioned against the shell flange, the extractor can exert a force of 50.000 kg, enough to extract even the most obstinate bundle. After the initial break, the hydraulic pulling car will be hooked to the pipe plate and the extractor can pull out the bundle in one continuous stroke. Once the bundle is resting on the truck, it can be transported to the cleaning slab and can be off loaded by the crane on the cleaning slab.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Over 85% of all new heat exchanger applications in oil refining, chemical, petro-chemical, and power generation are accommodated through the use of conventional shell and tube type heat exchangers. The fundamental basis for this statistic is shell and tube technology is a cost effective, proven solution for a wide variety of heat transfer requirements. However, there are limitations associated with the technology which include inefficient usage of shell side pressure drop, dead or low flow zones around the baffles where fouling and corrosion can occur, and flow induced tube vibration, which can ultimately result in equipment failure. This paper presents a recent innovation and development of a new technology, known as Twisted Tube technology, which has been able to overcome the limitations of the conventional technology, and in addition, provide superior overall heat transfer coefficients through tube side enhancement. This paper compares the construction, performance, and economics of Twisted Tube exchangers against conventional designs for various materials of construction including reactive metals.

heat exchanger, twisted tube technology, heat transfer, corrosion resistance

Conventional TEMA (Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association) type shell and tube type heat exchangers consist of a number of round tubes attached to a tubesheet inside a cylindrical vessel, with tube sizes, tube lengths, and shell diameters varying depending on the requirements of the application. Heat transfer surface areas can vary from a few square feet to over 25,000 square feet. The tube bundle normally contains a number of baffles to accomplish the dual objectives of providing a support structure for the tubes, and to direct the shell-side flow across the tubes rather than along the tubes . The resulting back and forth shell-side flow will yield a higher than expected pressure drop per unit of heat transfer because energy is used to reverse the flow rather than to enhance heat transfer. Also, the energy consumed in reversing the flow will tend to force the shell-side fluid through baffle-to-tube and baffle-to-shell clearances yielding lower cross flow and lower heat transfer coefficients. Finally, fluid flow around the baffles is non-uniform resulting in areas of low flow and dead spots, which are prone to fouling accumulation, corrosion, and poor heat transfer.
The thermal effectiveness (x), of a shell and tube exchanger is normally calculated assuming perfect radial and no axial mixing of the shell side stream. In practice however, there is considerable axial mixing within a baffle compartment, and further, the stream is in cross-flow for part of the time rather than axial flow. These effects are further complicated by leakage of flow that occurs at the baffle-to-tube and baffle-to-shell joints that does not take full part in the heat transfer in the bundle. The overall effect of these limitations is the actual thermal effectiveness (x) will be lower than the theoretical value, and it will be lower than the values obtained for other types of heat exchangers that do not suffer from these limitations. Typically, thermal effectiveness of a conventional shell and tube type exchanger will be in the range of 60% to 80% The Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger
The Twisted Tube heat exchanger originated in Eastern Europe and became commercially available in Scandinavia in the mid 1980’s. It was developed primarily to
overcome the limitations inherent with conventional shell and tube technology. Applications of Twisted Tube technology were primarily in single phase and condensing duties in pulp and paper and district heating with limited exposure in the process industries. In 1991, Koch licensed the technology and in 1995 subsequently acquired the technology outright.

The Twisted Tube exchanger consists of a bundle of uniquely formed tubes assembled in a bundle without the use of baffles. The tubes have been subjected to a unique forming process which results in an oval cross section with a superimposed helix
Figure 2. Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger Bundle providing a helical tube-side flow path . The forming process ensures that tube wall thickness remains constant and the material yield point is not exceeded thereby retaining mechanical integrity. The tube ends are round to allow conventional tube to tubesheet joints.
. Tube-side Flow Path
A wide range of tube materials can be used including carbon and stainless steels, Cr-Mo alloys, duplex and super duplex alloys as well as titanium, zirconium and tantalum. Tube sizes may vary from ½ inch to 1 inch.
Tubes are assembled into a bundle on a triangular pitch one row at a time with each tube being turned to align the twists at every plane along the bundle length. This alignment results in tubes contacting adjacent tubes at many points along the length of the tube in the bundle (Fig 4). The completed bundle is then tightly strapped circumferentially to ensure no tube movement and a robust bundle is the end result. Bundles can be constructed with more than 5000 tubes and up to 6 feet in diameter with tube lengths up to 80 feet.. Tube Alignment and Support. Completed Twisted Tube Bundle
The shell-side flow path is complex and predominantly axial in nature. Typically, the shell side flow area is approximately equal to the tube side flow area. The bundle is often shrouded to ensure shell side flow remains in the bundle and minimizes bypassing. Paths are available to allow the fluid to flow into and out of the bundle at each end. When high inlet and outlet velocities must be avoided, “vapor belts” may be used as with conventional designs. The Twisted Tube design imparts a swirl flow to the tube-side fluid enhancing the tube-side heat transfer coefficient.
Shell-side Interrupted Swirl Flow

Thermal and Hydraulic Performance Elimination of the shell-side back and forth flow path with a more unidirectional flow yields a much higher heat transfer coefficient per unit of pressure drop. Typically, heat transfer coefficients are 40% higher for the same pressure drop or, conversely, pressure drops are halved for the same heat transfer coefficient. Moreover, the tube-side swirl induced flow enhances the coefficients by an amount similar to that of twisted tape or turbulator inserts in a plain round tube. The overall effect of this is a substantial reduction of heat transfer area for a twisted tube exchanger compared with a conventional exchanger for the same duty. Alternatively, significant improvements in the performance of an existing exchanger can be achieved by replacing a conventional bundle with a Twisted Tube bundle.
Higher Thermal Effectiveness The closer approach to pure plug flow on the shell-side means that designs achieving higher thermal effectiveness, more typical of plate type exchangers, are possible with Twisted Tube exchangers
Lower Fouling and Cleanability The elimination of dead spots on the shell-side and the increased turbulence, both on the shell-side and the tube-side results in reduced fouling. Particulate fouling is reduced by the scouring action. Other types of fouling such as scaling and chemical reaction products are prevented by the removal of hot spots. Fouling characteristics are therefore, more typical of those found in plate exchangers rather than shell and tube type exchangers. The lower shell side pressure drop for a given flow means that higher velocities are possible, thereby reducing clogging and plugging with fibrous materials. Should fouling occur, the twist alignment in the twisted tube exchanger provides cleaning lanes even though the bundle is constructed using triangular pitch tube layout. Hence, the cleanability of a conventional square pitch layout is combined with heat transfer area density of a triangular layout.
Vibration Elimination Flow induced vibration can occur in conventional exchangers although special precautions such as “no tubes in window” are available to overcome the problem by providing more tube support. The most damaging vibration arises from fluid-elastic instability that can lead to damage within a few hours of operation. The possibility of such vibration in twisted tube exchangers is completely eliminated by axial flow and because the tubes are supported approximately every two inches along the tube length. Clearly, there is some cross-flow at the inlet and outlet regions but good tube support effectively mitigates this potential for failure. Further, the cleaning lanes provide additional smooth paths with a flow entering and exiting the bundle.
Codes and MembershipsTwisted tube heat exchangers are manufactured to most codes including A D Merkblatter, ASME, B,BS, CODAP, HPGCL, ISPSEL, STOOMWEZEN, and TEMA. Brown Fintube is a member of ASM,ASME, AWS, AQS, HTFS, HTRI, ILTA, NACE, and SME, and manufactures Twisted Tubeexchangers in Houston TX, Luxembourg and in Asia through strategic alliance.
Applications Over 400 Twisted Tube heat exchangers have been designed, built and delivered. A partial list of applications shows a Twisted Tube exchanger bundle being installed in an existing shell in a North American facility. Table 2 contains a comparison of Twisted Tube exchangers and conventional shell and tube exchangers for actual applications including heat transfer surface area and cost savings. Data presented in table 2 are for units constructed with carbon steel, however, in general, in the correct application, cost savings through the use of twisted tube will vary directly with the material cost and the surface area of the heat exchanger. Stated differently, greater savings can be realized as the cost of the material increases. Installation of Twisted Tube Bundle Table I. Applications of Twisted Tube Heat Exchangers
Industry Application
Chemical Petroleum
Pulp & Paper
Power Steel
Mining / Mineral Processing District Heating
Sulfuric acid cooling Ammonia preheating Hydrogen peroxide heating / cooling High pressure gas heating / cooling Crude oil heating Bitumen heating LNG heating Black liquor heating / cooling White water cooling Oil heating / cooling Effluent cooling Turbine steam condensing Boiler feed water heating Lube oil cooling Quench oil cooling Compressed gas cooling Lube oil cooling Liquor cooling Effluent cooling Closed loop water heating
Steam heating
Table II. Comparison of Twisted Tube and Conventional Heat Exchangers
Service Feed / Bottoms Lean / Rich Crude Oil MVGO Exchanger DEA Cooler Product Cooler
Fluid Stripped Water Lean DEA Crude Oil MVGO Product Temp In/Out deg F 250 / 138 244 / 134 122 / 97 260 / 180

Fluid Sour Water Rich DEA Sour Water Water Temp In/Out deg F 100/201 97 / 200 64 / 73 125 / 174
Surface Area Conv / Twisted Conv / Twisted Conv / Twisted Conv / Twisted Square feet 9612 / 4746 1151 / 764 8966 / 5511 2163 / 1097
Cost Conv / Twisted Conv / Twisted Conv / Twisted Conv / Twisted $, 000 $130 / $90 $35 / $25 $215 / $170 $40 / $30

The construction, thermal characteristics, performance, and use of Twisted Tube type heat exchangers have been reviewed. It has been shown that this type of exchanger offers a number of advantages over the conventional shell and tube exchanger with segmental baffles. In suitable applications, Twisted Tube heat exchangers offers superior economic performance as defined by cost per unit heat load when compared to the alternative of conventional shell and tube type equipment.

"Saudi King: 'We will pump more oil'

Claiming a quarter of the world's proven oil reserves and some of its lowest production costs, Saudi Arabia was producing around 9.2 million barrels per day (1.46×106 m3/d) of oil at the beginning of 2008
According to British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy, as of 2007 Saudi Arabia reported it had 264 billion barrels (42×109 m3) of estimated oil reserves, around 21% of conventional world oil reserves.
Since Saudi Arabia produced about 3.2 billion barrels (510×106 m3) of oil in 2006, this would give it over 80 years of reserves at current rates of production.
Although Saudi Arabia has around 80 oil and gas fields, more than half of its oil reserves are contained in only eight fields, and more than half its production comes from one field, the Ghawar field.The raw data are not available to outside scrutiny.
A dissenting opinion regarding Saudi oil reserves came from Matthew Simmons who claimed in his 2005 book "Twilight in the Desert" that Saudi Arabia's oil production faces near term decline, and that it will not be able to consistently produce more than current levels.
In addition to his belief that the Saudi fields have hit their peak, Simmons also argues that the Saudis may have irretrievably damaged their large oil fields by overpumping salt water into the fields in an effort to maintain the fields' pressure and thus make the oil easier to extract.
Since 1982 the Saudis have withheld their well data and any detailed data on their reserves, giving outside experts no way to verify the overall size of Saudi reserves and output. After US President Bush asked the Saudis to raise production on a visit to Saudi Arabia in January 2008, and they declined, Bush questioned whether they had the ability to raise production any more. In the summer of 2008, Saudi Arabia announced an increase in planned production of 500,000 barrels per day.Penketh, Anne.

Arctic holds 90 billion barrels of oil: Arshad Azad

The area north of the Arctic Circle has an estimated 90 billion barrels of recoverable oil, the US Geological Survey (USGS) has said.
Included in the Artic bonanza is 1,670 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids, the USGS said in a statement posted on its website.
The Arctic Circle is the name given to the region around the North Pole. It includes the Arctic Ocean, the northern parts of Europe, Asia, North America and the Russian Far East.
The natural resources are distributed in 25 geologically defined areas thought to have potential for petroleum, according to the assessment, which is the first publicly available petroleum resource estimate of the entire area north of the Arctic Circle.
These resources account for about 22 per cent of the undiscovered, technically recoverable resources in the world.
The Arctic itself accounts for about 13 per cent of the undiscovered oil, 30 per cent of the undiscovered natural gas, and 20 per cent of the undiscovered natural gas liquids in the world.
About 84 per cent of the estimated resources are expected to occur offshore.
"Before we can make decisions about our future use of oil and gas and related decisions about protecting endangered species, native communities and the health of our planet, we need to know what's out there," said USGS director Mark Myers.
"With this assessment, we're providing the same information to everyone in the world so that the global community can make those difficult decisions."
Of the estimated total, more than half the undiscovered oil resources are estimated to occur in three geologic provinces - Arctic Alaska, the Amerasia Basin, and the East Greenland Rift Basins.
On an oil-equivalency basis, undiscovered natural gas is estimated to be three times more abundant than oil in the Arctic. More than 70 per cent of the undiscovered natural gas is estimated to occur in three provinces - the West Siberian Basin, the East Barents Basins, and Arctic Alaska, the assessment shows.
Till now, exploration for petroleum has already resulted in the discovery of more than 400 oil and gas fields north of the Arctic Circle.
These fields account for approximately 40 billion barrels of oil, more than 1,100 trillion cubic feet of gas, and 8.5 billion barrels of natural gas liquids.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


In today’s industrial environment, maintenance & energy cost form a large part of the operating cost. In case downtime and/or equipment design does not permit mechanical cleaning the most cost-effective solution is Chemical Cleaning.
PSC/OZEST’s key is of providing quality chemical cleaning rest in the engineered selection process. We have the largest variety of solvent systems, including chelants, organic solvents, inhibitors, alkaline cleaners, organic acid emulsions, mineral acids, and detergents from which to develop cost-effective chemical cleaning processes.

Typical Applications:
■ Boilers
■ Piping
■ Heat Exchangers
■ Evaporators
■ Cooling Water Systems & Towers
■ Reactor Jackets
■ Process Vessels
Metallurgies & Others Handled
■ Admiralty Brass
■ Copper
■ Carbon Steel
■ Austenitic Stainless Steels (300 Series)
■ Martensitic Stainless Steels (400 Series)
■ Inconel
■ Monel
■ Titanium
■ Zirconium
■ Borosilicate Glass
PSC/OZEST is fully equipped to handle all your chemical cleaning needs at a short notice with Circulation Pumps rated from 400 – 1500 gpm @ up to 150 psi; Holding Tanks from 1,000 – 50,000 gallon capacity; Hypalon Steel Braided Hoses, On-Site Laboratory Services.
Chemical Cleaning is proven, efficient & widely accepted method for removal of deposits formed in various refineries and petrochemical plants equipment.
There are two main types of acids used in dissolving contaminants or scales:

Mineral Acids
■ Hydrochloric
■ Sulfamic Acid
■ Nitric Acid
■ Phosphoric Acid
■ Sulfuric Acid

Organic Acids
■ Citric Acid
■ Ammoniated Citric Acid
■ Oxalic Acid
■ Glacial Acetic Acid

During the chemical cleaning Inhibitors are used. The inhibitors form film-on-surface of metal in order to protect parent metal from possible acid attack. Inhibitors do not change the rate of reaction of acid on the scale; they inhibit the metal from reacting with the acid. Different types of inhibitors are used in the industry based on the acid selection.
Advantages of Chemical Cleaning

■ It can be performed on site without disassembling & moving equipment, saving enormous time, labor & associated costs.

■ It eliminates the need for physical entry of personnel thus offering a much safer alternative.

■ It conditions the process surface to reduce future fouling.

■ It can handle systems which are difficult to reach by other conventional cleaning methods such as hydro- jetting.


Bundle Pulling
The Truck Mounted Bundle Puller (TMBP) can be quickly mobilized to the site and is a fully self-contained bundle extractor to pull and push back horizontal tube bundles which are located at a height between 680 and 6700 mm and with a maximum weight of 15 tons.
Due to its unique and patented design, this machine can also be used to transport the bundles to the cleaning slab. Therefore it is highly appreciated in all the refineries and in the petrochemical sector.
The main advantage is that during the pulling/pushing operation you do not need a crane any more, which will reduce your cost and bring your downtime back to a minimum!
Less organization is needed!
The truck is allowed to drive on the public road, therefore making it a versatile and efficient tool. Even in a difficult to reach place with a crane, e.g. when there is a pipe frame above the heat exchanger, the Truck Mounted Bundle Puller can still do the job.
Once the extractor is in position and the butt plates are positioned against the shell flange, the extractor can exert a force of 50,000 Kg, enough to extract even the most obstinate bundle. After the initial break out, the hydraulic pulling car will be hooked to the pipe plate and the extractor can pull out the bundle in one continuous stroke. Once the bundle is resting on the truck, it can be transported to the cleaning slab and can be off loaded by crane.
In case the Truck Mounted Bundle Puller cannot be used PSC/OZEST can provide an Aerial Mounted Bundle Puller.
The hydraulic tube bundle extractor is a self-contained unit, which is easily lifted into position by one crane. Once in position, and clamped to the shell flange of an exchanger, the extractor can exert a persuasive force of 50,000 kgf, enough to break out even the most obstinate tube bundle.
PSC OZEST Aerial Mounted Bundle Puller is 8.000 meters long and weighs 7 ton. It is suitable to use for tube bundles with a maximum diameter of 2.000 meters; length of 8.000 meters and weight of up to 45 ton.(for tube bundles with larger dimensions additional equipment / accessories are to be added).


Chemical Decontamination

With PSC OZEST Life Guard™ decontamination programs, benzene and other hazards associated with refinery and petrochemical processing can be eliminated in a fraction of the time normally associated with a shutdown. PSC OZEST provides technical refinery expertise to enhance our turnkey service and to insure that every detail is properly addressed. The processes apply to crude units, FCCU units, lube oil plants, ethylene and butadiene plants as well. Our programs combine unique, environmentally safe chemical products with sate-of-the-art mobile pump and filtration systems. Furthermore, we can customize the service for various plant equipment including refinery distillation and fractionation towers, accumulators, drums, reactors and exchangers. It also safely removes Pyrophoric Iron Sulfides and residual H2S using second stage process that takes only 4 – 6 hours in most cases.

The Life guard chemical was developed and patented by PSC.

In general the client will determine what equipment within the unit is to be decontaminated. PSC OZEST will design a detailed procedure with regards to the most cost effective circulation loops. Upon approval of the detailed procedure PSC OZEST ties in the pump/filtration equipment and other accessories. A special formulated decontaminating solution is circulated for several hours at rates up to 2,000 gpm, filtering out solids down to 40 microns, if necessary.The emulsion that is formed is then broken down in a fracturing tank using a demulsifier to allow recovery of the hydrocarbon that is removed from the process equipment. The subsequent aqueous phase is discharged to the plant’s API or waste treatment facility. PSC OZEST closed loop system Life Guard™ makes EPA and OHSA compliance much easier to achieve.The major benefits are:

■ Zero LEL
■ Zero H2S
■ Less than 0.5 ppm Benzene
■ No steaming out or Nitrogen purging required
■ Less heat exchangers to be pulled during the shutdown, if included in the process.
■ Time saving.
■ Pyrophoric materials will be oxidized
■ Partial scales removal (when scale is bounded with hydrocarbon)
The Life Guard is
■ Neutral
■ Biodegradable
■ Has no impact on any material
■ Very powerful emulsifier
■ Can be easily Broken back into Oil & Water
■ More than 2000 projects worldwide including Saudi Arabia
■ Approved by CSDC ( Aramco ) & used in Ras Tanurah Ref, Riyadh Ref, Jeddah Ref, Yanbu Ref, Lub Ref, Sam Ref , Sas Ref, etc.
PSC OZEST offer more than a chemical-cleaning vendor does. We take a comprehensive approach, as if the refinery belongs to us. OZEST walks every job and with the continuous support of PSC designs the most efficient circulation loops to facilitate the decontamination of entire crude units and coker units. OZEST’s customers offer the best support to the effectiveness of our decontamination processes.